Big Bend Hot Springs Project Guiding Intentions:
1. Be a good neighbor. This includes us as individuals in the community as well as “The Hot Springs” as an organization. Being a good neighbor means contributing to the well-being of the community in positive ways.
2. Steward the Land. Being good Land Stewards is critical to our survival. Being a Land Steward means protecting, restoring and enhancing the Land and her living organisms in regenerative ways that yield abundance without depletion.
3. Share this Sacred Place. We are called to share the beauty and healing energy of The Hot Springs with others. We are doing this by creating a thoughtfully-designed ecologically-minded, small-scale not-for-profit facility for gathering, outdoor recreation, and retreats in a remote natural environment.
4. Acknowledge and honor Native association with this place. We recognize that the traditional Native inhabitants have suffered great loss, and we work to respectfully bridge cultures, while honoring diversity and unity.
Sacred Site, Oo-le-moo-me Hot Springs above boulder field in River Achoma (photo taken from a kayak in the river)
BBHSP Core Goals:
1. To preserve and protect this sacred land and the water resources as a natural area and wildlife sanctuary.
2. To re-establish site access for small-scale camping/soaking/gatherings (closed since 2007).
3. To develop a model sustainable permaculture education and natural healing facility.
4. To honor the ancestors and Spirit, and to work in collaboration with Madesi and other native people.

Coming Soon: Transition to Non-Profit!
Big Bend Hot Springs is becoming a non-profit corporation, and shall operate exclusively for educational and charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future Federal tax code.
Big Bend Hot Springs’ [future 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation] specific public and charitable purpose is:
(a) To acquire and steward property, preserve natural habitat, develop food production, and utilize natural resources, in order to increase community well-being and to improve local cultural and environmental health.
(b) To promote and provide education of the public regarding permaculture, local plants, animals, and fungi, and the history and cultural traditions of local indigenous people.
(c) To promote health and wellness of the local community and visitors.
(d) To preserve the natural environment by acquiring ecologically significant undeveloped land and maintaining the land with limited public access in its natural state to conserve natural resources for future generations.
Your comments are welcome! For more information, please see this BBHSP Blog post that contains our draft 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Articles of Incorporation: