Local Madesi Valley Camping Options:
1. Camping at Madesi River Access & Campground (on Pit River, near Pit Dam #5). Just outside of Big Bend town center, up Hagen Flat Road (Managed by PG&E). Features an accessible picnic area, an accessible fishing pier, and multiple dispersed camp sites. Since potable water, toilets and other amenities are not available, be sure to bring adequate water or be prepared to purify natural water sources before drinking. Camp at least 200 feet from springs, water, trails, meadows, and at least 50 feet from roads, and “Pack It In/Pack It Out”. Non-reservable (First-Come First-Serve only). Open all year.
2. Camping is allowed on most USFS (US Forest Service) lands with no permits. Read or Download PDF about local options and rules here:
3. Camping at USFS Deadlun Campground or Hawkin’s Landing Campground, at Iron Canyon Reservoir, just 6 miles up the road (drive over the Pit River bridge and follow signs up Forest Road 11)
(For full details, see: https://www.fs.usda.gov/recarea/stnf/recarea/?recid=6434)
Deadlun Campground is located at Iron Canyon Reservoir, a beautiful 500 acre lake located in a mountainous area of the Shasta-Trinity National Forest at an elevation of 2,696 feet. With 15 miles of forested shoreline and surrounding natural environment, the reservoir is a pleasant destination for anglers, campers, hunters, and wildlife/nature enthusiasts.
There are two developed campgrounds (Deadlun and the PG&E managed Hawkins Landing), many undeveloped camping spots, a boat ramp for small boats and a network of primitive roads and trails surrounding the reservoir. Nearby is the Pacific Crest Trail and the Pit River Canyon. Solitude is not uncommon, despite the lake’s popularity.
4. Camping & Cabin Rentals at Camp Stoney Meadows (Scott & Nora’s Place), just above Big Bend, up Forest Service Road 11, then up Kosk Creek (See full details, here: https://www.hipcamp.com/california/camp-stoney-meadows-bunkhouse/creekside-family-lodge
And here: https://www.hipcamp.com/california/camp-stoney-meadows/creekside-bunkhouse)
5. Camping in the Big Bend RV Park (aka “Campsite Pros Pit River”) 25200 Big Bend Rd. Big Bend, CA 96011 (hook-ups available, call for rates) Phone: 530-327-0000
Websites: https://www.campsitepros.com/
6. Camping & Cabin Rentals at Forest Springs (Collette’s Place), just above Big Bend, up Forest Service Road 11 to Baker Creek Road… (See full details, here: https://www.hipcamp.com/california/forest-springs/ )
7. Campsite Rentals ($50) at Kosk Creek Campgrounds (Take A Chance Ranch), on the banks of Kosk Creek at Hunt Hot Springs, up Forest Service Road 11 towards Iron Canyon Reservoir at Kosk Creek bridge… (See full details, here: https://www.hipcamp.com/en-US/land/california-kosk-creek-campgrounds-nelhl9k9)
8. Pit River Canyon PG&E Campgrounds (Outside of Big Bend, up the beautiful river canyon past the Pit 5 Dam). In addition to the Madesi Campground (#1 on list above & map below), there are three additional PG&E campgrounds along the river (#8: Ruling Creek, Dusty, and Northshore). **On the map below, the red arrows show all four PG&E campgrounds, and the four orange arrows show options #3, #4, #7, & #5, from this page’s campground list: